Time To Take The Cyanide Pill

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Stupidity Abounds...

OK. So I've spent the last hour searching my apartment for my glasses. Now, right up front I know this sounds annoying but, please note- I live in a shoebox studio that has like FOUR FLAT FUCKING SURFACES and I still can't find them. Wait, it gets better. I vaguely remember putting them down somewhere this morning, and thinking, "gee, if I leave my glasses here I'll never find them tonight" and then I left them there.

Seriously, what kind of fucking idiot does that?

UPDATE: Under the bed. Yup. That's right, not only were they under the bed, I must have known they were there and LEFT them. Maybe for the thrill of the chase?
Wow- Sometimes it amazes me that I remember to breathe.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 1:30 AM :: 1 Comments:

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