Time To Take The Cyanide Pill

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

We're Here! We're Queer! And we're fucking pissed off that you're using our wedding photo to personify evil!

Yeah. So, these guys are real people. This is their wedding picture.

You could imagine their surprise at waking up one morning to find that they have been made into the national personification of anti-american, soldier-hating, social security hoarding, ass fucking liberals. Well, to be perfectly honest, they probably weren't shocked by the ass fucking liberals part, but the rest of it really is pretty insulting.

And the couple clearly agrees. The photo, which is apparently public domain because it was published in their hometown newspaper, has been mis-appropriated by USA Next in a smear campaign against the AARP. The couple's lawyers have issued what looks like a cease and desist letter to the people behind the USA Next ads, which have been used to discredit the AARP's take on social security (a stand which translates roughly into, "Changing social security is bad for older, retired people, and we represent the interests of older, retired people, so we don't support changing social security") by saying that the organization is anti-soldier and pro-gay marriage.

Social security, soldiers, and gay sex- what's the common thread here? Besides sounding eerily like a Gannon/Guckert personal ad, the answer is NOTHING. Not surprising coming from the consultants who you might remember from such smear campaigns as The Swift Boat Veterans for Rove. Um, Truth. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Right. Sorry.

Either way, keep your eyes peeled. I can't wait to see what these pieces of shit try to pull next.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 6:30 AM :: 0 Comments:

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