Time To Take The Cyanide Pill

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Year in Review

In the interest of full disclosure: the following is a purely self-indulgent exercise meant more for my own need to record & reflect rather than for the purpose of being an entertaining read. It’s kind of like intellectual masturbation, which is, I promise, far less interesting than it sounds.

2004 Personal Year in Review

States visited:
New York
New Jersey
Las Vegas
Rhode Island
New Hampshire

USA (so sad)

Things I wanted to do in 2004 (and did)
Start writing again
Clinic work for Planned Parenthood
Learn to count cards
Get promoted
Be able to afford my own apartment in Manhattan
Paint said apartment (correctly)

Things I wanted to do in 2004 (and did not)
Be able to afford my own apartment in Manhattan and not have to use quarters I find under my couch to buy coffee
Run a 5K race
And the obligatory: Lose 10 pounds and quit smoking

Things I want to do in 2005
West Coast trip- Seattle & LA
Go somewhere in Europe, just me, a backpack and a camera
Learn to play poker well enough to sit at a table in AC and not look like a total jackass
Learn Chess
Start taking photographs again
Obliterate credit card debt
Run the damn 5K
Two words: Savings Account
And the obligatory: Lose 10 pounds and quit smoking

Things I intend to do in 2005, which I probably will not:
Obliteration of credit card debt
Learn Chess
Lose 5 of those obligatory 10 pounds

Biggest loss: dissolution of former co-habitation situation
Biggest gain: Doing it now, as opposed to 5 years from now when it would require lawyers

Greatest realization:
That I am pretty good at my job, trivial as it may be. And, that I am, in spite of it’s triviality, learning a few things that will allow me to eventually do something of value. Or something even more trivial, but for a lot of fucking money.

Worst Realization:
That I am finally old enough that certain doors are closed to me, which means there are things I thought I’d have or do, that I now know I will not.

Most Exciting Moment:
Getting kicked out of a Vegas casino for counting cards- kind of like breaking your blackjack cherry.

Most Annoying Moment(s):
It’s a tie between working and listening to my upstairs neighbors fuck.

Funniest Moment:
Well there was this stripper, a gay bar, and a broom closet.......

Most Shameful (but still funny) Moment:
Being trapped in 30th Street Station from 3 AM- 5AM, drinking room temperature vodka out of a crushed seltzer bottle and having to fake a twitch every time it looked like a bum was going to come talk to me.

2004 Memorial
In honor of my grandmother, Elsie Axler, who believed that you can never be too rich or too thin, but that neither of those things are necessary in order to be fabulous. And she was definitely fabulous.

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