Time To Take The Cyanide Pill

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


"I have been reading your blog and think you are dark, disturbed, and a little bit disgusting".

Niiiice. So, this is a direct quote from an email I got today. And while these types of comments usually come from my mother, this one came from a friend and drinking buddy. Dude, you've been with me at 4 am, totally shitcanned and in some pretty precarious situations. So, all I can say is- this is news to you?

But, as I've said before I'm not dark & disturbed- it's just my dry sense of humor that makes it seem that way. But here- to settle this matter once and for all- is a list of reasons why I am neither dark nor disturbed (I'm not gonna try to fight the disgusting charge- it's totally true. I have a dirty mouth and raunchy sense of humor and dammit I'm not ashamed of it).

Reasons I am light & fluffy & happy and other crap like that:

1. I really like and get along with my parents
2. I cry at weddings- even if I don't really know the people getting married
3. Some of my favorite music is happy, hippie music
4. My best friend in the whole world is a happy hippie person- and I don't even tease her about it...much...anymore...
5. hmm.. this is harder than I thought...
6. I volunteer VERY early on Saturday mornings (and I HATE mornings)
7. I once actually believed that a friend of mine had magical powers. Granted I was on drugs at the time, but I'm not anymore and somewhere deep down inside I still kind of think he does...
8. I don't really hate babies as much as I say, and sometimes, when they are quiet, I even want to hold them
9. I like cats and especially kittens
10. Jonathon Livingston Seagull was my favorite book for many, many years. (It got bumped when I started reading Joseph Heller, which doesn't really do much to improve my image as being light & fluffy but, whatever).

I can't really think of anything else right now- but honestly- does that really look like a list made by a dark and disturbed person? I don't fucking think so...

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 10:50 PM :: 0 Comments:

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