Time To Take The Cyanide Pill

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Go On (take another little piece of my youth now baby)

So, another dinner party. High end food, top shelf booze and strategically placed votive candles . It was a great time and I was once again impressed by a friend's ability to entertain that many people in her home. And since this was my second one of these things in two weeks, I'm starting to get the hang of it. I even brought a bottle of champagne in a fancy gift bag. Ok, so it wasn't really fancy per se, but I did buy it in a gift shop and I'm pretty sure I remembered to take the price tag off- so it's a start.

Regardless, the party was a great time and I thought to myself, "wow- I must be getting used to adult social behavior". And then someone walked in with a baby. An infant really. And that FUCKING FREAKED ME OUT. This was not an accident, no one got knocked up; it was a married couple that had decided to start a family. Is there something I don't get? Or that I got wrong?

It's not so much that I find the idea of breeding repugnant- just totally foreign. Think of the time and energy spent trying NOT to get pregnant. Look, the baby was cute as hell and I was even going to ask to hold it at one point. But then I dropped my phone and broke its outer casing right in half. I think its probably better that I left the child with his mother.

I'm not sure what freaked me out about the whole thing. Maybe it just made me feel old to have peers with children that they had on purpose- a feeling that I course countered by getting blackout drunk and engaging in wild reckless behavior. It was also brought to my attention that I held court in the kitchen telling cum jokes to my friend's younger brother and her cousin. (By younger I mean 25- I'm an asshole, not a pervert).

I woke up hungover, confused, and with that vague after-shame that accompanies nights like these, but hey: I felt young again- and that was definitely worth the headache.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 5:40 AM :: 0 Comments:

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