Time To Take The Cyanide Pill

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Editorial Note

In passing conversation with friends I mentioned a post I wrote a while back about the USA Next Ads smearing AARP by insinuating that they were anti-soldier and pro gay marriage. Pandagon, a pretty prolific lefty blog, linked to this post, which generated a lot of traffic to my blog. While this was pretty exciting for me, I was also kind of embarrassed about some of the language I used in the post, specifically several instances of the words "ass-fucking liberals".

Well, my best friend's fiance suggested that, rather than being sheepish about my degenerate trash mouth, I should embrace it and attempt to, in some way shape or form, discuss "ass fucking" in every post for one week. This actually seemed like a fun exercise (the word game you perverts, the word game) so I thought I'd give it a try.

In exchange for the idea of this exercise and some free medical advice given to me by said best friend's fiance I hereby christen this week of posting the Week I Use The Use Words "Ass Fucking" In Every Post.

The rules of the Word(s) of the Week game are as follows:
1. The words may be varied slightly, but the meaning must remain intact.
2. The posts must not be out of character posts- that is, the Word(s) of the Week cannot dictate the post, rather the Word(s) must somehow be made to work within the framework of whatever I'd normally be posting.
3. The Word(s) of the Week cannot be simply used as a title for the post or as some sort of non-sequitur expletive i.e. "What an Ass-Fucker"
4. Since posting can be sporadic from week to week, once Word(s) of the Week are selected, the next five posts are subject to the rules of the game.
5. I will take suggestions for future Word(s) of Week the via the "Say What? comment link in this post.

OK- Game on.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 6:51 AM :: 2 Comments:

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