Friday, October 14, 2005
Uhhhhhhhhh's almost entirely possible that I just got rejected by a bald man with whom I would not "make fuck" even if it was guaranteed that our spawn would be able to produce both cold fusion and Mid-East peace. Seriously, this is bullshit. Pardon me while I go get a cat, a nine-volt battery, a bottle of bourbon, a pack of cigarettes and a cup of hemlock so i can FUCKING KILL MYSELF. Spinstrosity just might be my new favorite word.
And so it is...and so it was- a total moratorium on anything relating to dating, love or sex. Methinks Bush and my (in)ability to get less fat/drunk will provide quite enough material to get us through this river of shit so we can come out clean on the other side. (Pretty much only my dad will get that reference).
Unless anyone else does- in that case I'll meet you in Zihuatanejo. You've come this far so I'll bring the hemlock.
Posted by LMM14_1 ::
8:30 AM ::

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