Time To Take The Cyanide Pill

Friday, October 28, 2005

Things that happened to me today....

1. Worked way too fucking late
2. Ran 3.5 miles on most beautiful path in the city
3. Saw a man take a piss on the New York Public Library
4. Got re-dumped by most recent ex via email at work**
5. Consumed no food but had two beers
6. Saw two mice in my apartment that I am no longer afraid of
7. Named said mice Jeebus1 and Jeebus2. And no, I cannot tell them apart.
8. Went on a very cool last minute date
9. Made second date whereby I will kick said date's ass at scrabble.

Overall- not a bad day.

** Um...can I get a little blog based hallelujah for what a ginormous pussy this dude is? I mean really, over email? At work?

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 7:40 AM :: 2 Comments:

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