Thursday, January 05, 2006 Most people won't notice, but I have deleted several posts from about a year ago. I hated having to do it, but I'm pretty sure I hated it less than I would hate having to give up a regular income in favor of living down in the Bowery giving hand jobs for crack. But hey- I'm open minded, so we'll see. Overall you'd think that the whole experience would have soured my feelings towards self publishing and the relative indelability of putting your thoughts, feelings, and fiction out on the internets. Please be assured- it has not. It's also got me thinking about why people are drawn to putting their private lives and thoughts into the most public of forums. Where does this tendency towards emotional exhibitionism come from? I don't really have any answers but I'm going to keep peep show flashing my psyche (and psychosis) to the interweb until I figure it out. Please place your quarters anywhere you see fit. Tissues are on the night stand.** **See kids, nothing's really going to change around here. But please do take a moment to tip your 40 in honor of the passing of the title of the blog. For reasons of privacy, it has to change. I don't know what I'm going to call the new incarnation yet. Until I figure it out, the blog remains nameless. In the meantime, the suggestions box is always open. ![]() ![]()
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