Time To Take The Cyanide Pill

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Happy Birthday....

Today is the anniversary of this blog. Hmmm....I'm not sure quite what to say about that. I had been planning a big redesign for the site, but I can't figure out how to migrate the damn thing to Movable Type. I'm going to keep trying, so cross your fingers for me that I don't royally fuck up and lose a year's worth of poorly punctuated drunken rants about Bush, booze, boys, Jesus and dick jokes. Because that would be a real travesty, no?

So, instead of a redesign (which I'm working on because my friend N. hates the color scheme and without her I'd often have to resort to drinking alone) here, in it's original form, is the inaugural post from this blog.

Well, since everybody's doin' it...

...I guess I figured me too! me too! So, here I am. I guess putting this stuff out here on the web is preferable to the incoherent drunken ranting at strangers to which I've become accustomed. Mostly because, this, I can edit in the morning.

The holidays seem like a good time to start, since the forced family time associated with holidays tends to bring deep-seeded angst, anger, and alcoholism bubbling to the surface. And everybody knows there's nothing more entertaining than an angry, angst-ridden alcoholic in the middle of a bender.

Speaking of benders and holiday bullshit, I have to go to a wedding this Wednesday. No, this is not a typo. Yes, I do mean that I have to go to a black tie wedding on The Fucking Wednesday Before Thanksgiving. It's a crime against humanity. I mean seriously, who does that? People that obnoxious should be sterilized at the alter.

And to add insult to injury, I don't have a date. Because who the fuck wants to go to a black tie wedding on The Fucking Wednesday Before Thanksgiving? You'd think no one- but as it turns out, this is patently untrue. I will be the only single person at this 200 person travesty, the sole exception being a 5'4 podiatrist, who my mother, "just can't wait to introduce me to". I wasn't kidding about that cyanide pill...

Huh. Well, at least my tone has remained consistent.

Speaking of consistency, no one is more shocked than I am that I made it past the one year mark. I have this nasty habit of never finishing anything that I start- projects, self-improvements, relationships etc. In fact, the only thing I finish with any real regularity is a bottle of wine when I open it. I know, I know, why my parents haven't had me euthanized or sold into white slavery is really anybodies guess.

Seriously (or at least as serious as I can be), I'm shocked that I've kept writing- even with the breaks I've taken along the way. I guess that means I do it because I need to, not just because I want to. Last night while reading through the year's worth of writing I noticed how many different things this blog has been about and become. There was the political phase, the (attempt at) humor phase, the whining phase, and the recent and very annoying sex-in-the-city-single-girl-bullshit, which I'm hoping is more or less over. I guess you could say the blog is sort of a map of where my head has been in the last year. And yes, I am aware that at points this map indicates that one of the places my head has been is located squarely up my own ass.

But, I guess that's all part of the fun. I hope I keep doing this. It'll be fun to see where my head goes in the next few years. Yeah- I'm rooting for not up my ass as well.

So thanks to Blogger for hosting this broadband sucking piece of shit for free, thanks to anyone who reads the crap I put out into cyberspace, and thanks especially to the free HTML tutorials I've taken, which not only make this blog possible, but also made it so that I can understand why a T-Shirt that says:
< .tits. >

< / tits >

is so fucking funny. And now, before I make myself sick with all this sincerity and whatnot I'd like to leave you with a dirty little poem I picked up in Vegas a while back. Because for some reason that makes sense to me.

Here's to a woman with whom I've been
To her lustrous hair and her radiant skin.....
She ain't got her cherry, but that ain't no sin
'Cause she's still got the box that the cherry came in.

Thank you.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 7:49 PM :: 3 Comments:

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