Time To Take The Cyanide Pill

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

And God Bless Us Everyone....(If he/she/it weren't dead or whatnot)

I imagine most regular readers aren't surprised to hear that I'm not really the type to get caught up in holiday cheer. Although I think "not caught up in holiday cheer" doesn't sufficiently cover it. In fact, "fighting the urge not shove a poinsettia up someone's ass" is probably still not truly indicative of how much I loathe the season.

The nature of my job makes the holidays a very hectic and annoying time. That and the fact that I'm pretty much an Atheist-Jewess-Christ-Killing-Godless-Fornicater-and-Drinker-of-Christian-Baby-Blood, well that doesn't really do much to conjur up an image of a fat woman wearing a reindeer sweater and blinking Christmas tree earrings, now does it?

Or, maybe it's not so much the holiday season that's killing me right now but rather the fact that I spent the weekend in DC partying like it was 1986. Seriously- the whole fucking weekend was a cross between The Big Chill, Purple Rain and a Bret Easton Ellis novel.

Don't believe me? You know what they say about pictures and words and whatnot so check this out:

I'm sure based on the above photographic evidence you'll all understand that posting will be light over the next few weeks while my little addled fucking brain recalibrates itself with naturally occurring serotonin and sober sleep.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 3:21 PM :: 2 Comments:

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