Time To Take The Cyanide Pill

Friday, April 28, 2006

New Morning

Christ I miss this blog. Not sure why that doesn't make me want to write more frequently though. Maybe because I am a drunken moron, unworthy of love and cute small sized pants? Probably so, but it's also just another by-product of the degenerate laziness which has plagued me my entire life. Either way- I miss it.

I think I get caught up waiting for a good post to pop into my head, one good enough to make up for the prolonged absences, one worthy of fine turns of phrase such as "assfucking liberal" or "big black double sided dildo". When I can't come up with one I just ignore the damn blog altogether. Well, it's time to, as Susan Powter would say, "Stop the Insanity"*.

To that end: I'm giving something new a shot. Short daily bursts- one everyday. My urge to use song titles as post headers has long been kicking around the five brain cells spared during my college years**, but it would also be a lie if I didn't say it's inspired by this blog I've recently discovered: Fresh Pepper?. Dude is funny as shit- please check him out.

But, I'm hoping to take one step further and make the title an actual link to the song. Cause you all KNOW you just don't have enough hippie music in your lives. Whatever. Hopefully I'll remember how to do it and everything heretofore will be less boring than this piece of shit post.

* Don't you just want to beat that bitch to death?
**Christ I miss nitrous.

UPDATE: I did it! It's linked!!! Please revel is my HTML coding prowess and then click the title to listen to some Dylan. Go on- it's good for you.

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