Time To Take The Cyanide Pill

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Further Support for my "Hey You, Outta The Gene Pool" Argument

On a dusty hill, with the crowd pressing round, 11 men had themselves nailed to crosses in imitation of Christ’s suffering. The nails hammered into their hands and feet were as thick as pencils.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 8:18 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Saturday, March 26, 2005

Up In Smoke...

In the interest of full disclosure....I am drunk. This is officially my first drunk post. There should be some shame attached to that, but there is a larger albatross around my neck tonight. (Sorry... I was going to call it a "cross to bear", but with the whole Easter thing and me being a Jew, I thought it better to invoke Middle English instead of the King James). But I digress...

I quit smoking about three weeks ago...actually it'll be a month next Thursday. This is the first time I would prefer the sweet release of death as opposed to fighting the desire for just one deep sweet drag. I can taste it...I can feel it. I'm not going to do it of course, because I'm about as stubborn as I am sarcastic. And for those of you who read regularly, you know, I'm really fucking sarcastic.

They say it gets easier. I hope so. I'm already kind of a bitch. I don't need this...or it really will be single serving frozen diet dinners from here until the end of my miserable non-smoking existence.

Any and all encouragement is certainly appreciated.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 9:49 AM :: 4 Comments:

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Thursday, March 24, 2005

I'd call him a flip-flopper but I don't speak moron.

Bush Signs Bill That May Let Schiavo Live, the Associated Press, March 21, 2005:
President Bush signed the bill almost immediately after its passage early Monday, vowing in a statement to "stand on the side of those defending life for all Americans, including those with disabilities." "In cases like this one, where there are serious questions and substantial doubts, our society, our laws and our courts should have a presumption in favor of life," he said.

From The Texas Clemency Memos, the Atlantic Monthly, July/August 2003:
On the morning of May 6, 1997, Governor George W. Bush signed his name to a confidential three-page memorandum from his legal counsel, Alberto R. Gonzales, and placed a bold black check mark next to a single word: DENY. It was the twenty-ninth time a death-row inmate's plea for clemency had been denied in the twenty-eight months since Bush had been sworn in. In this case Bush's signature led, shortly after 6:00 P.M. on the very same day, to the execution of Terry Washington, a mentally retarded thirty-three-year-old man with the communication skills of a seven-year-old.

Law might contradict one Bush signed in Texas
WASHINGTON - The federal law that President Bush signed yesterday in an effort to prolong Terri Schiavo's life appears to contradict a right-to-die law he signed as Texas governor, prompting allegations of hypocrisy from congressional Democrats and some bioethicists.

In 1999, then-Gov. Bush signed the Advance Directives Act, which lets a patient's surrogate make life-ending decisions on his or her behalf. It also allows Texas hospitals to disconnect patients from life-sustaining systems if a doctor, in consultation with a hospital bioethics committee, concludes the patient's condition is hopeless.

Bioethicists familiar with the Texas law said yesterday that if the Schiavo case had occurred in Texas, her husband would be the legal decision-maker and, because he and her doctors agreed she had no hope of recovery, her feeding tube would be disconnected.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 4:05 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005



Posted by LMM14_1 :: 4:46 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Sunday, March 20, 2005

Days like this my mama said.......

So, my parent's car got stolen from a valet lot tonight from one of the casinos in Atlantic City. We went to dinner, played some cards and drank some booze. When we were finished doing these things we went to pick up the car, but there was no car to be had. We waited, I drank (WTF else was I going to do?). The parking guy took us around EVERY lot the casino uses. Still no car. I continue to drink. (Again, WTF else am I going to do?).

It's now about 3AM and we are in the bowels of the Tropicana talking to some seriously Jersey-looking security guys. On a positive note, they let me look at the Hooker Book, which is...well...not something I should have to explain. Either way- pretty funny and there was free coffee. I will, though, say that perhaps now is a bad time to not be smoking. (I am three weeks quit- It sucks).

Also, I got to watch slow motion security tapes of myself walking out of the car. I couldn't identify the guy who took the car, but I could certainly identify my ass, wiggling away from the soon to be stolen car. Man....if there's ever a sight you DON'T want to behold, it's a black and white slow-mo screen shot of your ass, slowing moving into a restaurant, where you are going to consume a enormous meal. Oh, the shame.

But shit happens I guess and I believe that if this is the worst thing that happened to my family in the last 10 years, we are pretty fucking lucky.

This is, as Drudge would say, "Developing".

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 2:05 PM :: 1 Comments:

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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

A New Level of Shame V. II

I was informed tonight that my parents used the money they'd put aside for my wedding to redo their living room.

Can I call Child Services for this?

A New Level of Shame V. I

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 5:43 AM :: 3 Comments:

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Monday, March 14, 2005

So sad....

Wow- If you ever feel bad about your life I suggest you visit the frozen food aisle at your nearest urban supermarket on a Sunday night. A glance at the hordes of single women standing in front of those frosted over doors, glumly deciding which single serving frozen diet dinners they'll be gagging down all week, will certainly perk up your mood.

Unless YOU happen to BE one of those single women standing in front of the frosted over doors glumly deciding which single serving frozen diet dinners you'll be gagging down all week. In that case I suggest the Healthy Choice Country Chicken. It's only 350 calories, comes with a dessert, and goes nicely with about 8 glasses of wine and a valium.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 4:57 AM :: 2 Comments:

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Friday, March 04, 2005

Live Blogging the Theology of the Body as seen on Public Access.....

10:10 PM There is a priest and a woman in a flowered house dress discussing how John Paul II (i.e: the Weekend at Bernie's Pope) views sex, sexuality and marital chastity. (Marital chastity? WTF? I though even Catholics can get laid once they're married).

10:12 PM Did you know that they hit a dead Pope on the forehead with a hammer to confirm that he is actually dead before they announce it to the world? I mean, I'm all for what my jackass boss calls a "belt and suspenders approach" but wow- you better hope he's fucking dead before you start with the hammer.

10:15 They're talking about phenomenology now. I am both impressed and disappointed. I though we were talking about sex here? Oh! They're talking about communists now. Can't be long until we get back to the sex.....

10:25 The house dress woman keeps nodding her head and making those "um" type agreeable noises regarding martial chastity. She's now gushing about innocence, blessing, and chastity. Duuude- you know this is a chick who has a big black double sided dildo hidden in her closet, right behind her flowered house dresses and rosary beads.

10:30: Now she's taking about the Holy Spirit and how it just, "you know, mooooves in you". Hehehe...yes, house dress lady, it certainly does. You should try the spin cycle.

Editorial note: "Theology and the Body" airs weekly. I will be live blogging each and every episode- partly for fun and partly because I believe that eventually House Dress lady will snap and end up bitch slapping Father Bob while performing a strip tease to a dance remix version of Inna Godda Davida. And I really, really want to be a part of that rapture.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 4:45 AM :: 1 Comments:

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Thursday, March 03, 2005

Umm....November 2nd would have been a good time to express this sort of thing people....

New Poll Finds Bush Priorities Are Out of Step With Americans

Americans say President Bush does not share the priorities of most of the country on either domestic or foreign issues, are increasingly resistant to his proposal to revamp Social Security and say they are uneasy with Mr. Bush's ability to make the right decisions about the retirement program, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 6:37 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

We're Here! We're Queer! And we're fucking pissed off that you're using our wedding photo to personify evil!

Yeah. So, these guys are real people. This is their wedding picture.

You could imagine their surprise at waking up one morning to find that they have been made into the national personification of anti-american, soldier-hating, social security hoarding, ass fucking liberals. Well, to be perfectly honest, they probably weren't shocked by the ass fucking liberals part, but the rest of it really is pretty insulting.

And the couple clearly agrees. The photo, which is apparently public domain because it was published in their hometown newspaper, has been mis-appropriated by USA Next in a smear campaign against the AARP. The couple's lawyers have issued what looks like a cease and desist letter to the people behind the USA Next ads, which have been used to discredit the AARP's take on social security (a stand which translates roughly into, "Changing social security is bad for older, retired people, and we represent the interests of older, retired people, so we don't support changing social security") by saying that the organization is anti-soldier and pro-gay marriage.

Social security, soldiers, and gay sex- what's the common thread here? Besides sounding eerily like a Gannon/Guckert personal ad, the answer is NOTHING. Not surprising coming from the consultants who you might remember from such smear campaigns as The Swift Boat Veterans for Rove. Um, Truth. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Right. Sorry.

Either way, keep your eyes peeled. I can't wait to see what these pieces of shit try to pull next.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 6:30 AM :: 0 Comments:

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