Time To Take The Cyanide Pill

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I guess I'm it....

I've Been Tagged.... by Charlie over at Karmic Irony.

OK. I'll Play. I'm a total music junkie so this should be fun.

The total volume of music files on my computer:
I'm clueless about Gigs and Ram but my iTunes says I have 6.2 days of music on my computer and that makes me pretty giddy.

The last CD I bought was:
It's so long ago I can't even remember. I get most of my music from the interweb. (Just kidding Herr Ashcroft). Actually I think the last CD I bought was Bob Dylan's Desire (for the third time) so I could replace yet another copy that I'd ruined. Thank god for the Pod 'cause I'm very bad at CDs.

Song playing right now:
Nothing but the sweet, sweet hum of fluorescent lights and some secretary popping her gum. Please God- just let me die.

Five songs I listen to a lot or mean a lot to me, in no particular order:

"Rosalie McFall" by Jerry Garcia and David Grisman- I have a pathological thing for this song and religiously listen to all 5 versions I have. Also, I am on a constant quest to find a new and better version than the one from The Pizza Tapes.

"Tangled Up in Blue" by Bob Dylan. (actually all of Blood on the Tracks except "Meet Me in the Morning"). That song, I could probably live without.

"Desolation Row" by Bob Dylan. I love him and want to have like 10,000 of his babies. 'Nuff said.

"Ophelia" by The Band with Levon Helm (from The Last Waltz). Best. Music. Documentary. EVER. This song makes me dance in public a little. I should probably be embarrassed by that but fuck it- it's just that good.

"Queen of the Slipsteam" by Van Morrison from Veedon Fleece. Recorded while he was in the middle of divorce, this ain't no Moondance. Quite frankly it's astounding that someone singing from such a deep place of hideous pain could sound so beautiful. It almost makes me feel guilty for loving it.

Who I am tagging and why?
Kevin over at Kev's Musings 'cause he mentioned "Big Pimpin" in his post this morning and now I can't get it out of my fucking head.

And Charles over at Kiss My Entire Ass because I think he has the best Blog Title Ever. Also because I know nothing about hip-hop and think he could probably skool my Hippie music lovin ass. Yo.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 7:50 PM :: 4 Comments:

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Friday, May 20, 2005

A break in the game...

I want a cigarette.
I want french fries.
I want my Republican Hunter ex boyfriend.
I want a job that will pay me half the salary I make now.
I want to want something that's not idiotic for me to want.

PS- Sorry about the deviation, but posts about ass fucking liberals soon to follow......

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 11:26 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Friday, May 06, 2005

And I thought this game was going to be hard.....

Stuff like this makes me momentarily doubt my conviction that God is indeed dead.

Coulter Stunned by Ass Fucking(2) Question at Recent College Appearance
Coulter said she supported the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman on the basis that a good woman civilizes and inspires a man to strive for something better, leading to a question that was met with a stunned silence.

"You say that you believe in the sanctity of marriage," said Ajai Raj, an English sophomore. "How do you feel about marriages where the man does nothing but fuck his wife up the ass?"

**Bonus: Rumor has it that this neo-conservative, semi-automatic fembot is swapping fluids with an ass-fucking liberal. No reports yet on whether she's letting him in through the out door.

How very, very....... meta.

Posted by LMM14_1 :: 9:15 AM :: 0 Comments:

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